About “Cricklade Bugle”

The “Cricklade Bugle” is a community  and news website for the Cricklade, North Wiltshire and the neighbouring district.Think of it as Cricklade’s local paper… If you’ve ever received a local paper in Cricklade, you’ll know that it tends not to be very local. whilst  not being on paper, The “Cricklade Bugle” will be local.

On the Home Page you will find a blog and a selection of useful links.

Feel free to leave comments.  By using the tabs at the top of every page you can access the recently published post and pages, an index of other pages on the site. Some of these pages are empty as the site is still being developed. If you would like to contribute an article, review, photograph etc. please contact us by email. Our address is  editorbugle@cricklade.info. We would love to hear from you.

If you are organising an event or know of one which would benefit by being promoted on this site please let us know. If you have a poster we can display that as well. Either send it electronically or phone Peter on 752171 to arrange to get us a printed copy that we can scan.

We can also provide web space for local groups and organisations. Contact us for details.

This site is currently administered by Peter Hansen, with support from the Cricklade and District Community Association and “Talk about Local”.

I am looking to form a small team to join me. If you would like to help please let me know by emailing peter@cricklade.info . You don’t need any special computer skills, just enthusiasm!
All contributors are expected to abide by  the Editors’ Code of Practice and the Press Complaints Commission

The website is a voluntary run website with no definable income. If you can make a donation it would be appreciated -you can do it here:

Founded February 20th. 2010.
PLEASE contact you can use the following form;

The “Cricklade Bugle” has been supported by the following Organisations

Talk about local website www/talkaboutlocal.org and UK Online Centres.

Talk About Local is a project to give people in their communities a powerful online voice.  To help people communicate and campaign more effectively to influence events in the places in which they live, work or play.